• Sweet Broom

    • IMG_4727
    • $24.00$96.00

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    Sweetbroom is another common herb of Guyana and the Caribbean noted for many healing qualities. Sweetbroom belongs to the family of the Scrophulariaceae and found growing wild around Guyana. It is a perennial erect herb that grows up to the height of 2-3 feet,bears stalk less serrated leaves are 3-4 X 1-1.5 cm wide with small white hairy flowers rising from the axis. The stamens are
    greenish and the ovary is green. The capsule is nearly round. The whole plant Sweet-broom weed increases the function of
    renal and helps in dissolving kidney stones and controlling hypertension. The entire plant is harvested, dried and drank as
    a tea for various ailments. Sweetbroom has been used as a remedy for diabetes in India and hypertension in Taiwan. Traditionally, the fresh or dried plant has been used as a remedy for treating stomach ailments, hypertension, diabetes, inflammation, bronchitis, hemorrhoids, and hepatitis, and as an analgesic and antipyretic agent{pain and fever}. A hot water infusion and/or decoction of the leaves or whole plant is used medicinally by indigenous tribes of Nicaragua to treat malaria, stomach disorders, menstrual disorders, insect bites, fevers, heart problems, liver disorders, and venereal disease. It has been used for blood cleansing, as an aid to child-birth, and as a general tonic.


    3 oz, 6 oz, 8 oz, 16 oz


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